Here is the Budget of Work (BOW) prepared by and for the DepEd Region IV-A CALABARZON based on DepEd's Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs) in ENGLISH. You may download this if you belong in the said region or you may also look into this as your guide.



The PIVOT 4A Budget of Work (BOW) in English is a resource material in teaching English that contains and highlights the most essential learning competencies (MELCs) and the learning competencies serving as enabling competencies in achieving the former as mapped from the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum for Grades 1 to 10. The K to 12 English Curriculum features domain-based learning competencies. The number of domains vary from one grade level to another. Presented below is the alignment of the language and literacy domains with five (5) sub-standards.

Furthermore, language domains for English are also funneled across the K to 12 Basic Education Integrated Language Arts Curriculum. This illustration provides clearer view on the presence of language domains in various grade levels and key stages. The existence of these domains in vary depending on the nature and contexts of developmental stages of learners. These domains include the following:

The identified domains in the K to 12 English Curriculum are anchored to the contexts of communicative language teaching (CLT) which is generally regarded as an approach to language teaching (Richards and Rodgers, 2001 as cited in Richards, Page 98 of 349 2006). CLT reflects a certain model or language paradigm, or a theory (Celce-Murcia, 2008). It is based on the theory that the primary function of language use is communication. Its primary goal is for learners to develop communicative competence (Hymes, 1971 as cited in Celce-Murcia, 2008), or simply put, communicative ability. In other words, its goal is to make use of real-life situations that necessitate communication.

Such notion of CLT encompasses a wide range of abilities. These abilities or competences include linguistic competence, sociocultural competence, discourse competence and strategic competence. These four features of CLT require appropriate knowledge which will be helpful in understanding the target concepts for the appropriate use of the target language in various situations.

Basically, the aforementioned abilities are described as follows: the knowledge of grammar and vocabulary (linguistic competence); the ability to say the appropriate thing in a certain social situation (sociocultural competence); the ability to start, enter, contribute to, and end a conversation, and the ability to do this in a consistent and coherent manner (discourse competence); and the ability to communicate effectively and repair problems caused by communication breakdowns (strategic competence). These CLT components are further subdivided in the different domains of language learning in the Philippine context.


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