CLASS RULES in a New Normal (Free Download)

As the country is still in the middle of a national health and economic crisis, education must continue and as planned it will not require face-to-face interaction until a vaccine is made available to the public and in order to keep our learners and teachers safe from the risks of getting infected.

The Department of Education has introduced various learning modalities that will best fit the actual situation in every locality. A survey along with the enrollment form is also been given to identifying the actual condition of our learners in the field with regard to their economic status and preparedness. In such modalities, learners can choose what mode of learning is more convenient for them and that's exactly what will be provided.

There is also a motion to allow the traditional way of the teaching-learning processes in areas with no positive cases of COVID-19. According to several lawmakers and LGU officials, many Filipinos belong to less-fortunate families and are capable of purchasing new devices. Therefore, they insist to bring back the normal and traditional face-to-face learning so education will be delivered the best way possible.

In case this happens, every school should take extra precautions and health measures to ensure the health and safety of their learners. Below are the simple infographic images to help teachers in maintaining the order in the classroom under the new normal.

NOTE: You need to LOG IN to your GMAIL or DepEd email account to be able to download these materials. Click the DOWNLOAD link to get your FREE AND DIRECT copies.

NEW NORMAL Class Rules

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