You may download for FREE this set of reading materials in Filipino using the Marungko Approach. Simply click on the DOWNLOAD link below the image to get your FREE copy.

Just like any other type of reading material, this particular set uses the Marungko approach in reading. Many learners and teachers prefer this type of material because of its simplicity and explicit approach. Over the years, this has become one of the most used reading materials in the elementary level, especially at the primary level.

Many have also been using this in remedial reading wherein struggling students can use this as their reinforcement and supporting materials for them to be able to read properly in Filipino and eventually in English. You may add more to this set of materials for it to become more effective and engaging.

With just enough amount of designs, colors, and other decorations, you will find this type of material very attractive.

We highly encourage you to create simple yet effective reading materials like this so your learners will have useful options to use for their reading and learning activities. You may also share your most effective reading/learning materials with us so we can reach more and help more of our fellow teachers in their preparations and focus more on the learning process. Please do send it to us and we will do our best to feature it here on our official website. Rest assured that you will be recognized as the rightful owner or contributor.

NOTE: Make sure that you are LOGGED IN to your Gmail or DepEd email account to be able to download this set of reading materials.

(Download Here)

NOTE: The materials are already organized in the MS Word Format for easier download and printing.


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