You can download for free the reading materials below for your grade 4 learners. These are poems that will help your learners in the 4th grade to deepen their analytic and critical thinking skills which are essential in entering the intermedial level of basic education.

If you are a parent or a teacher of a 4th grader, then congratulations you're kid is now officially in the intermediate department of basic education where learnings are even more interesting and exciting. Teaching approaches may also be different from the previous levels. In this level, teachers will begin to assist the learners in their educational needs and not to spoon-feed them with the information they need.

Apparently, learners shall begin to learn and discover things on their own with just the assistance of teachers. In terms of reading, 4th graders are expected to analyze their reading materials and make inferences unto it. They will also be tasked to write down more important and detailed information about the materials they read. It is when the learners develop close connections to the texts and understand deeply its real meaning and take a lesson out of it,

These materials are only supplementary and are intended to help our children/learners to have some useful educational materials and for their parents to motivate them to study even in the comfort of their homes. For teachers, this will help you in your teaching preparation and execution. It is the mission of this site to provide you with essential instructional materials so you can focus more on the teaching process and make it worthwhile.

NOTE: You need to LOG IN to your GMAIL or DepEd email account to be able to download these materials. Click the DOWNLOAD link to get your FREE AND DIRECT copies.


DISCLAIMER: This site does not claim ownership over some posted materials. It is only intended to help our fellow teachers and our young learners to develop and continue they study even at home. Please do contact us (depedclickofficial@gmail.com) in case you are the rightful owner of certain material for proper recognition.

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