Reading Comprehension for Beginners (Free Download)

The goal of assisting your students to acquire good comprehension skills is for them to understand and get the meaning of the texts they are going through. Reading comprehension is basically the way for your students to get along with all other subject areas with critical thinking and better knowledge acquisition.

Becoming good readers require the ability to recognize words, decode its meaning, and connect it with the rest of the texts to form the concrete idea. A learner with a good comprehension level is more likely to follow directions faster and better than others. His or her educational success rate will also become higher.

But like any other skill, reading comprehension can be improved through constant practice. By providing them with essential reading materials, they may develop their reading and comprehension skills way faster and better.

Navigate below to download the materials you are looking for. Simply click on the DOWNLOAD link to get your free and direct copy.

These materials are only supplementary and are intended to help our children/learners to have some useful educational materials and for their parents to motivate them to study even in the comfort of their homes. For teachers, this will help you in your teaching preparation and execution. It is the mission of this site to provide you with essential instructional materials so you can focus more on the teaching process and make it worthwhile.

NOTE: You need to LOG IN to your GMAIL or DepEd email account to be able to download these materials. Click the DOWNLOAD link to get your FREE AND DIRECT copies.


DISCLAIMER: This site does not claim ownership over some posted materials. It is only intended to help our fellow teachers and our young learners to develop and continue they study even at home. Please do contact us ( in case you are the rightful owner of certain material for proper recognition.


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