What makes a good teacher?

For several years, many have been asking what makes a good teacher? Many of those who ask are those who are interested in becoming one, perhaps as their preparations for being good and avoid things that can ruin it.

Well, we've asked some of the experienced teachers and found some things in common.

1. You should be adaptable.

Becoming a teacher means being willing to adapt to every learning environment you will be assigned on. Not all places have the same environment which is why teachers have to gauge and adjust their teachings styles, methods, and strategies in order to deliver the right learning for their students.

Not to mention, teachers will also be tasked to adjust to the physical conditions of the workplace.

2. You should communicate well.

Many fail in this aspect. It does not matter if you carry the best training and experiences with regards to teaching strategies and so on and so forth. The very basic and can be considered fundamental to any sort of work in the world is proper communication.

A teacher should be able to communicate well to his/her students, fellow teachers, co-employees, superiors, student's parents, and many more. As the old saying goes, "your words can make or break".

3. You should be very patient.

Not all students are the same. So seeing them work in different phases is bur normal. You should be able to allow them to work without pressure and that you should carry a bunch load of patience since some if not most of them will really struggle at some point.

4. You should be jolly.

This might be the easiest part. But honestly, this is the most challenging. Imagine being tired of all your tasks yet you need to present yourself in front of your class with smiles. And not only that, you should also be capable of making your students smile or laugh because it can serve a major part in encouraging them to listen and participate in your class.

5. You should be creative.

Sure every teacher can teach as it is what they studied and trained for. But in reality, it takes some effort to go beyond what you know and what you can do. A teacher's creativity should be endless. Students have a very short span of interest and without challenging things to do, they might lose their motivation to listen and follow your instructions.

6. You should engage in professional growth

I know you might say attending a seminar, training, or workshop can be very boring. But really it is one of the keys to becoming a good teacher.

As the world is changing fast along with this young generation, teachers should be able to cope up with it and find new useful tools and strategies to use in teaching this new set of students.

We hope that this simple article helps you in weighing down on what really makes a good teacher. In case you inputs on this or additional information you want to share related to this topic, please feel free to comment down, we'll appreciate it.

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